Lunes, Agosto 22, 2011

An Introduction..

" Look for the future with the past in mind."

     I always believe in this saying. There's nothing wrong when you're still thinking of the past. How can we learn if we already forget it, right? Nostalgic means "bittersweet longing for the past." I added the phrase no more because whenever I think about the past, I cannot feel any bitterness at all. All I can feel is sweetness because the bad things that happens in the past should be omitted from our mind. Let us use it as our stepping stone for our future. Let us fill our lives with happy moments that we can always look back in the future. Just like in this course, we have to consider it as one of our memorable moments so that all the learnings we gained will still retain to our memory. Not as a bitter one but a better one. 

     I am Lei Megan B. Avisado. A freshman education student. 
And this is my blog for the essays I made for the ENGLCOM Course. 

Teenage Love Affair

Extended Definition Essay

     High school students have different understandings when it comes to love. When they were asked about this word, the only thing that comes into their mind is the feeling towards the opposite sex. Little do they know that love is a very wide word that contains a very wide meaning. Because love is not just about having romantic relationship, we can also have it and give it to other people that are special to us. We can feel love for our family, our friends and even to our country. Those students whose been hurt and betrayed by their loved ones define love as a four-letter crap that broke their heart into many pieces and ruined their life but I guess that’s how love goes, it is not just being happy and inspired all the time. You also have to feel the pain and suffer the other consequences of being in love.

     When they feel a certain attraction towards the opposite sex, they tend to feel that is actually love when in fact it is just an infatuation or crush. We have to differ it to other feelings because love is a very special that we have to be sure when we feel it. It’s not just that when you feel butterflies all over your stomach and your heartbeat turns abnormal that you will immediately jump into conclusions that you’re in love but sometimes, it is just your hunch. You will just realize it on the latter part that you’re in a relationship with no love because of hurrying yourself. Being in love is a long process. You have to be sure that your love is for real and not for reel. They have to weigh in their feelings and don’t look for love like what they see in the movies. It is better if we go through all the process. From hoping, hurting and eventually being happy because of finding true love. We cannot call it real if don’t feel these things. All of us should enjoy love for it is truly worthwhile.

     High school love life really differs from the love life of adults. There are things that high school couples do while the adults avoid doing it. Sometimes, love life in high school tend to be less serious because they only feel infatuation where as in adult relationships, they take it more seriously. Students focus more on their emotion rather than taking their relationship seriously. They just want to have fun or to be happy about this experience. High school relationships tend to be short term because they only feel infatuated with each other. They always jump into conclusions that they love the opposite when in fact, they’re just attracted. That’s why most relationships in high school never last. While in adult’s love affair, they are more genuinely attached to their partners. They are in a relationship because they truly love each other. Grown-ups usually weigh in their emotion unlike those teenagers that goes with the flow.

     One thing they have in common is high school and adult relationships experience problems. All relationships are not perfect. All couples have gone through different obstacles that will test their commitment with their partners. From simple things up to the most extreme ones. But high school students have a lot of misunderstandings even on such petty stuffs while the adults are more understanding. I think it’s because teenagers like me is not that mature enough to handle a relationship. We’ll still act as a child because we’re not that exposed to different feelings or commitment. Adults are more aware about the things that will happen because they experienced it before we did. We must keep in mind that we have to be more understanding for our relationship to last. Teenagers like us should make adults as our models when it comes to relationships. We have to admit that grown-ups know more than us.

     High school students seeks for a companion so they are trying to find a relationship. It serves as an inspiration to them especially when it comes to academics. They tend to be more participative and hard working on their studies because they always think that the person they like will adore them more when they excel in class or they will be motivated more because their loved ones will be proud and love them more. But sometimes, it also starts different problems that may test their strengths. We all know that relationships will suffer some difficulties like misunderstandings and maybe will lead to break up. We have to remember that these problems are just trials to test our trust. Being an understanding mate will be better and we can assure that our relationships will last. The best effect of having a relationship is we’ll learn new lessons in life that we can use for the future. Whether the relationship will last or end, there will be lessons that we can keep in our mind so we will know what to do when we grow up. Making the right decision when it comes into relationships will proved that we’re mature enough to accept the reality that  this experience will mold us into a better person. 


AGE doesn't matter if you truly love each other.

Argumentative Essay

     Some people say that it is not good to love a person older than you but it really depends on who will you choose to be with. Nowadays, relationship with an older guy or girl is very rampant. They seek for partners because of different reasons. Some will say that it’s not that good to have an older partner but some may say otherwise.  We cannot praise them all.  We have the freedom to choose who will be the person we’ll love. Even if others will say negative things or criticize you, they cannot change the fact that you already did fall in love with an older guy or girl. I know that relationships would be better if one is older and there’s nothing wrong about it..

    In a relationship, does age really matter? Some may look at it as one of their standards because they might think that it’s really hard to be in a relationship when your age brackets are different. One of the reasons why some people try to avoid an older partner is because they will have different set of preferences in life. Older guys or girls tend to be old-fashioned and still follows their tradition when it comes to commitments or other stuffs regarding their relationships. He/she can’t relate to the new trends lovers do today. Other people will say that when you have an older partner, you’re relationship is more prone to cheating. Older man or woman knows all the twist and turns when it comes to handling a relationship. They know how to keep a secret to their partner. They know how gullible young lovers are. And they abused it. And if your partner is famous or wealthy, nosy people will make stories about you that you’re just after his or her money and fame. This is more likely to happen in show business, where some sexy stars have their wealthy partners. Whether it’s a politician, a businessman, or a married man. We have different tastes when it comes to finding our partners so it’s really up to us.

     There’s an advantage when you’re partner is older than you. He/she is mature enough to know things about having a commitment. They’re not childish anymore to do some petty stuff in your relationship. They can handle relationships well because of many experiences from the past. They’ve been there and done that so they know how to hold on to a commitment. And they tend to be more serious when it comes to relationship. Playing is not in their vocabulary anymore. They will love you deeply and they will take care of your heart. In some television shows, they interviewed people who have an older husband or wife. There, the interviewee said that it is good to have an older partner. They are not childish anymore and love them with all of their heart.   Some people were lucky to have this kind of spouse.

     It is better to have someone to love that is older than you than having a commitment to a person same as your age that will only be pain in your head because of lacking some experience.
You’ll be sure that your partner will treat you well because he/she knows the good things to do so your relationship will last. They know how to satisfy us because they know how to be hurt because from their experience from the past. They will not try to change us because he/she is not that immature to think for his own benefits only. They will love you for who you are and accept all your flaws because that’s the real meaning of love.  And lastly, you will have a great and even a better future with him/her. Older partners are responsible enough to provide us the things we need. There will be times that they cannot give stuffs but what matters most is that they will do everything to make us happy and contented.

     We cannot avoid the criticism we’ll hear if we have an older guy or girl for a partner but there’s nothing wrong with loving a person twice your age. They are way better than young guys who know less when it comes in handling a relationship. They can provide us the things we need and never let us fall. Just like those people with an older partner who were interviewed in some shows, we can find our own perfect guy. We can find our own happiness and forget what others are saying. Having an older partner can really raise everyone’s eyebrows but what’s important is who will we choose to be with.

Sabado, Agosto 20, 2011

Reflective Essay

  My ENGLCOM course leads me into a new level of learning the important stuffs about writing an effective essay. I can still remember our very first day here in this class; my block mate and I were late because of entering a wrong class. We have to hurry up so we can be able to catch up to our other block mates who are writing their essay. The topic was about our expectations for this course. Little did I know that this is the start of our writing activity.

     In the three months of my stay here in this course, I really learned new things when it comes to reading and writing. From the first day of our meeting where we wrote our expectations for this course up to the last day of our class. I know I am more competitive than before because of the new knowledge that was taught by our professor. I was exposed to different patterns in writing an essay. Before, I was just used to write essays without following any outline. But now, I know the right steps in order to achieve a better work.

     When I was in high school, we didn’t focus on Rhetorical Pattern. And now, we actually depend our whole work there so I must say that it is one of the most important lessons I have to keep in mind. It is not just for our ENGLCOM course but I can also use it to my other class especially when we’re making our thesis or dissertation and especially when I become an Educator. I know that someday, I would be able to share my understanding about these lessons. And with the help of our Grammar component, I really achieved my target goals for this course.
With the right application of my background about the lessons in grammar, I can produce a good literary work.

     While taking up this course, I was able to see my expectations to this subject and to the Professor too. I enjoyed all the meetings because I am not just learning academic stuffs but Dr. Borlongan also shared his experiences and expertise when it comes to this field. And aside from it, he always makes the class happy and alive with his jokes. In spite of all the brainstorming for the essays, I still managed to smile because of his very positive outlook in life.

     And as this term will come to an end, our ENGLCOM will also finish. But I will never forget all the learning I’ve got from this reading and writing class and the grammar class. I know that it will benefit me a lot in the near future. I admit that I’m still not that good when it comes to writing without errors. I still commit mistakes every now and then especially when it comes in grammar. But I have to promise that I will familiarize myself to the patterns and the grammar components so that it will not be shameful when I need to present my work.

     Instead of saying goodbye to this course, I would rather say till we meet again, because I know time will come that I will have to use it for the other subjects that I will take. And knowledge about these things is very important especially to my degree program. I’m happy and sad at the same time. Happy because I’ve learned new things that I can use and the experiences I gained through this course and sad because ENGLCOM is one of the interesting course for me. But I should go on with my studies now. I’m pretty sure that we’ll meet again, not in class but maybe in the teaching field.