Extended Definition Essay
High school students have different understandings when it comes to love. When they were asked about this word, the only thing that comes into their mind is the feeling towards the opposite sex. Little do they know that love is a very wide word that contains a very wide meaning. Because love is not just about having romantic relationship, we can also have it and give it to other people that are special to us. We can feel love for our family, our friends and even to our country. Those students whose been hurt and betrayed by their loved ones define love as a four-letter crap that broke their heart into many pieces and ruined their life but I guess that’s how love goes, it is not just being happy and inspired all the time. You also have to feel the pain and suffer the other consequences of being in love.
High school love life really differs from the love life of adults. There are things that high school couples do while the adults avoid doing it. Sometimes, love life in high school tend to be less serious because they only feel infatuation where as in adult relationships, they take it more seriously. Students focus more on their emotion rather than taking their relationship seriously. They just want to have fun or to be happy about this experience. High school relationships tend to be short term because they only feel infatuated with each other. They always jump into conclusions that they love the opposite when in fact, they’re just attracted. That’s why most relationships in high school never last. While in adult’s love affair, they are more genuinely attached to their partners. They are in a relationship because they truly love each other. Grown-ups usually weigh in their emotion unlike those teenagers that goes with the flow.
One thing they have in common is high school and adult relationships experience problems. All relationships are not perfect. All couples have gone through different obstacles that will test their commitment with their partners. From simple things up to the most extreme ones. But high school students have a lot of misunderstandings even on such petty stuffs while the adults are more understanding. I think it’s because teenagers like me is not that mature enough to handle a relationship. We’ll still act as a child because we’re not that exposed to different feelings or commitment. Adults are more aware about the things that will happen because they experienced it before we did. We must keep in mind that we have to be more understanding for our relationship to last. Teenagers like us should make adults as our models when it comes to relationships. We have to admit that grown-ups know more than us.
High school students seeks for a companion so they are trying to find a relationship. It serves as an inspiration to them especially when it comes to academics. They tend to be more participative and hard working on their studies because they always think that the person they like will adore them more when they excel in class or they will be motivated more because their loved ones will be proud and love them more. But sometimes, it also starts different problems that may test their strengths. We all know that relationships will suffer some difficulties like misunderstandings and maybe will lead to break up. We have to remember that these problems are just trials to test our trust. Being an understanding mate will be better and we can assure that our relationships will last. The best effect of having a relationship is we’ll learn new lessons in life that we can use for the future. Whether the relationship will last or end, there will be lessons that we can keep in our mind so we will know what to do when we grow up. Making the right decision when it comes into relationships will proved that we’re mature enough to accept the reality that this experience will mold us into a better person.
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